
Gun Safes

Northern Home Gun Safe

The Northern Safe Co. SHD-SU-BG-E Stand-Up Home Defense Safe with electronic or biometric lock secures up to 3 long guns and 4 handguns in a single compact safe.


The Northern Safe Co. Stand-Up Home Defense Safe easily fits into standard sized closets, behind a door, or in the corner of a room. The patent-pending barrel rest design accommodates up to 3 long guns and 4 handguns while the door swings wide open for easy access to weapons when they are needed. Available with either an electronic or backlit biometric lock that includes a backup key, silent entry option and a low battery warning system. The carpeted interior includes a foam padded bottom and a removable shelf.


  • Fireproof for 75 minutes up to 1400° F (verified by an independent laboratory)
  •  Waterproof in up to 2 ft. of standing water for 72 hours (verified by an independent laboratory) – Safe must be bolted to floor to maintain warranty
  • Factory-installed electrical socket
  • A drill-resistant hardened steel plate is located behind the lock
  • 4-way door locking with seven 1.5″ tapered live action locking bolts and three 1” dead bolts for a total of 10 locking points
  • Fully-adjustable interior includes three adjustable-position barrel rests and five adjustable-position shelves
  • Factory-installed door organizer with sewn-in gun holsters, zippered pouches, and Molle compatible storage
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Mounting hardware included
  • This is a California-approved Firearm Safety Device that meets the requirements of Penal Code section 23655 and the regulations issued there under

Home/Office Fire Safes

Northern Safes Co. ™ Classic Style ESD-101

Home Fire Safes have been tested and approved in compliance with the stringent test methods by international certificate organizations such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories), JIS (Japan Industrial Standards), SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute), and KS (Korean Standard).


We highly recommend these safes for office uses.

Digital type ensures a high level of security that allows the user to change the combination code.

An automatic lock system is designed for the double security.

ESD lock is designed with user-friendly angle and color of buttons increases its function.

Improved performance through thick fire resistance wall and a separate drawer is installed at the bottom of the main body. An adjustable shelf is installed for use’s convenience.


Northern Safes Co. ™ Classic Style ESD-102

Home Fire Safes have been tested and approved in compliance with the stringent test methods by international certificate organizations such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories), JIS (Japan Industrial Standards), SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute), and KS (Korean Standard).


We highly recommend these safes for office uses.

Digital type ensures a high level of security that allows the user to change the combination code.

An automatic lock system is designed for the double security.

ESD lock is designed with user-friendly angle and color of buttons increases its function.

Improved performance through thick fire resistance wall and a separate drawer is installed at the bottom of the main body. An adjustable shelf is installed for use’s convenience.

Northern Safes Co. ™ Classic Style ESD-103

Home Fire Safes have been tested and approved in compliance with the stringent test methods by international certificate organizations such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories), JIS (Japan Industrial Standards), SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute), and KS (Korean Standard).


We highly recommend these safes for office uses.

Digital type ensures a high level of security that allows the user to change the combination code.

An automatic lock system is designed for the double security.

ESD lock is designed with user-friendly angle and color of buttons increases its function.

Improved performance through thick fire resistance wall and a separate drawer is installed at the bottom of the main body. An adjustable shelf is installed for use’s convenience.

Northern Safes Co. ™ Classic Style ESD-104

Home Fire Safes have been tested and approved in compliance with the stringent test methods by international certificate organizations such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories), JIS (Japan Industrial Standards), SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute), and KS (Korean Standard).


We highly recommend these safes for office uses.

Digital type ensures a high level of security that allows the user to change the combination code.

An automatic lock system is designed for the double security.

ESD lock is designed with user-friendly angle and color of buttons increases its function.

Improved performance through thick fire resistance wall and a separate drawer is installed at the bottom of the main body. An adjustable shelf is installed for use’s convenience.

Northern Safes Co. ™ Classic Style ESD-105

Home Fire Safes have been tested and approved in compliance with the stringent test methods by international certificate organizations such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories), JIS (Japan Industrial Standards), SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute), and KS (Korean Standard).


We highly recommend these safes for office uses.

Digital type ensures a high level of security that allows the user to change the combination code.

An automatic lock system is designed for the double security.

ESD lock is designed with user-friendly angle and color of buttons increases its function.

Improved performance through thick fire resistance wall and a separate drawer is installed at the bottom of the main body. An adjustable shelf is installed for use’s convenience.

Northern Safes Co. ™ Classic Style ESD-680

Home Fire Safes have been tested and approved in compliance with the stringent test methods by international certificate organizations such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories), JIS (Japan Industrial Standards), SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute), and KS (Korean Standard).


We highly recommend these safes for office uses.

Digital type ensures a high level of security that allows the user to change the combination code.

An automatic lock system is designed for the double security.

ESD lock is designed with user-friendly angle and color of buttons increases its function.

Improved performance through thick fire resistance wall and a separate drawer is installed at the bottom of the main body. An adjustable shelf is installed for use’s convenience.