Pharmacy/Drawer Safes

Pharmacy/Drawer Safes

Northern Pharmacy/Drawer Safes

Providing a safer and more secure work environment for employees, Pharmacy Safes have secure storage and enable controlled administration of narcotic medications within a pharmacy or medical facility where dealing with the potential threat of robbery, burglary, and internal theft are an ongoing concern. Available in single or dual doors. The dual doors provide added capacity and separate access control—providing two secure areas in one enclosure.



B-rated constructions
SR2 electronic control lock is standard, other lock options available on request
Interior floor holes to secure bolt down
Auto door detent throws closed the bolts to the safe as you shut the safe door
Spring-loaded re-locker prevents bolts from moving if safe is attacked


B-rated constructions
SR2 electronic control lock is standard, other lock options available on request
Interior floor holes to secure bolt down
Auto door detent throws closed the bolts to the safe as you shut the safe door
Spring-loaded re-locker prevents bolts from moving if safe is attacked